Fawcett Milton Keynes

The Fawcett group in Milton Keynes was started in 2014 by a team of local women and activists, working to give voice and visibility to women in the new city. We carry out research on women in Milton Keynes, and are also involved in political action and public campaigns. We try to maintain good connections with other organisations.


Email: m[email protected]
Twitter: @fawcett_mk


Women and Local Democracy

This is a long-term interest, dating back to research carried out in 2015/16. It forms a major part of our current work.

In 2020 we launched a series of discussion papers on women and local democracy in Milton Keynes. We’ve shared these papers with Milton Keynes Council, local political parties, and local and national organisations concerned with widening participation in local democracy. In line with Fawcett’s national commitments, our aim is to promote greater diversity in local government, including increasing women’s participation.

Read more: Fawcett Milton Keynes: Women and Local Democracy

Women who Made Milton Keynes

In November 2017, Milton Keynes celebrated 50 years since its founding, and MK Fawcett contributed to the anniversary through a touring exhibition entitled ‘Women Who Made Milton Keynes’. It featured the lives of 10 women who had had a huge impact on the identity of the new city but whose roles remained uncelebrated, often because they had chosen to work as groups rather than as individuals. Our research for the exhibition sparked an interest in documenting the lives and experiences of local women, which continues in various aspects of our current work.

Read more: Women Who Made Milton Keynes

Voices of Women MK (VOWMK)

In 2020 Fawcett Milton Keynes Fawcett co-founded Voices of Women Milton Keynes (VOWMK), a partnership of local women’s organisations, to champion women’s voices and to make Milton Keynes a better place for girls and women, in all their diversity, to live, work and thrive.

Read more: Voices of Women Milton Keynes

Conversation Cafes

Members of MK Fawcett have been meeting local women in several parts of Milton Keynes to find out about their experiences of life in the city. We have worked in partnership with Community Action: MK and Voices of Women MK, a broad partnership of women’s organisations in the city. Our conversations have been written up as a report, providing evidence to support our ongoing campaign to secure better services for women in Milton Keynes.

Read more: Fawcett Milton Keynes Conversation Cafes

VAWG and Back-off

MK Fawcett supports the national Fawcett Society’s action to end Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). Local actions include encouraging parish councils to become White Ribbon accredited. Milton Keynes City Council has itself achieved White Ribbon accreditation and is encouraging parishes to do likewise to make Milton Keynes the first White Ribbon City.

Read more: MK VAWG and Back Off


MK Fawcett has always been keen to expand our knowledge of ‘What Makes MK Tick’ and so our members form part of many networks. VOWMK provides a useful partnership through which to collaborate with other groups. In addition, some of us have worked with Healthwatch MK in the past, as well as being active in issues to do with mental health and the wider Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK) Integrated Care System agenda. We have developed very good working relationships with Community Action Milton Keynes, MK:ACT (Women’s Aid) and the Sexual Assault and Abuse Support Service. Some of us have been involved in working to support recent groups of women refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine. We also have strong links with the Open University and other academic institutions through some members’ current and previous employment.


Please follow our monthly blog, which aims to cover topics of concern and
interest to women everywhere. Recent blogs, some serious and others less so,
have covered the concept of sisterhood, the Iranian women’s protest and
reproductive rights.


Email: m[email protected]
Twitter: @fawcett_mk