19 July 2023

Update: System Update: Addressing the Gender Gap in Tech was published on October 30 2023. Read now.

With thanks to our funding partner Virgin Media 02, Fawcett is currently working on a new research project that explores the underrepresentation of women in the tech sector. 

Just 19% of tech employees are women, with even greater underrepresentation among Black and minoritised and disabled women. This lack of representation drives the gender pay gap, and creates recruitment difficulties in a sector which is vital to the UK economy. It also increases the risk of bias in the products and services we all use.

Using an evidence review, focus groups, and a survey, this project seeks to understand the structural barriers to women's employment in the sector, and what we can do to change the picture. 

This work is currently underway, and findings will be published in November 2023.

Read the privacy policy for this project. 

For more information about this project, write to us at [email protected]