11 JANUARY 2016

Men believe that equality between the sexes would be better for the UK economy and themselves, according to a survey of 8,000 people commissioned by the Fawcett Society, to mark its 150th year. However, despite showing a clear desire for equality, the forthcoming ‘Sex Equality – State of the Nation’ report also reveals that there are still significant barriers to progress that need to be overcome.

Fawcett’s biggest ever survey, carried out by Survation, found that 7 out of 10 men believe a more equal society between women and men would be better for the UK economy. Significantly, more than a third (39%) of men surveyed believe it would be better for them personally. Only 7% of men think they would lose out if we had a more equal society.

Sam Smethers, Chief Executive said:

“We won’t achieve equality without engaging and persuading men. There is now an overwhelming majority who believe it would be better for the economy, for the women in their lives and a significant number who also see it as better for themselves.

“We have never had a better opportunity to create a more equal society. But despite this stubborn barriers remain.”

Read the full press release here.

You find the full tables from the poll on the Survation website using the links below:

Gender Issues Poll

Gender Issues Poll Female

Gender Issues Poll Male