News News & press releases Latest ICM Polling Statistics on the EU Referendum 22 JUNE 2016 Last week our EU Referendum debate, ‘Who will win women’s votes?’, was cancelled in light of the tragic murder of Jo Cox MP, as all campaigning was suspended and we attended the vigil for Jo in Parliament Square. ICM we due to present the findings from the latest set of polling data which you can find here, with particular focus on how women will be voting in and affected by the election campaigns. As it stood on Friday, the key points were: Women are still twice as likely as men to be undecided on how to vote in the referendum. They are also less certain that they will vote at all. Voting preference is split by age and social class. With 6 days left until polling day, only 56% of women feel well informed enough to make a decision over how to vote. Only a minority feel either side of the campaign has addressed their concerns, and only a quarter say either campaign has helped them make up their mind. But that’s not because women don’t care –women are more likely than men to say they have found the EU debate interesting. Representation may play a part: 37% of women think that both sides of the debate have been too dominated by men. You can find the full presentation from ICM here. The election is tomorrow, 23rd June. Use your voice and the powers the suffragist campaigners won for women to vote tomorrow. You can read our blog posts from Dreda Say Mitchell on on voting Leave, and Monica Threlfall on voting Remain. Read more Fawcett, with the support of many other women’s organisations, has launched a campaign to come together to present a positive vision for women in the UK, challenging the Government to make the UK the best place in the world to be a woman. The campaign is fighting for women’s rights to be protected post-Brexit. The Face Her Future coalition is demanding that current rights are not weakened either directly or indirectly as a result of the Brexit negotiations. You can find out more by clicking on the link below. Face Her Future Manage Cookie Preferences