In this report you will find: 

  • An independent inquiry into the impact of Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) on equality between women and men 
  • A review of previously published evidence and new evidence from a variety of civil society organisations which shows that JSA regime takes insufficient account of the distinctive circumstances of many women’s lives, in particular their higher risk of getting stuck in low-paid jobs, the impact of their caring responsibilities and the fact that they are much more likely than men to be at risk of domestic and sexual violence 
  • Other findings that show that those features of the JSA system that are intended to take account of these circumstances are not working well and many women are vulnerable to sanctions through failure to comply with the requirements included in Claimant Commitments and Jobseeker’s Agreements 
  • Recommendations including changes to the design and implementation of the system and a call for additional research into the effects of sanctions  

Link to the report: Wheres the Benefit? An Independent Inquiry into Women and JSA