This page contains a comprehensive and simple guide to our use of any personal data as part of the 2021 Understanding the experience of menopause in the financial services industry research project. The Fawcett’s Society’s general privacy policy can be found here.

The Understanding Menopause in the Workplace project is being carried out by the Fawcett Society on behalf of Standard Chartered Bank and the Financial Services Skills Commission.

The project involves a research component run by the Fawcett Society that aims to understand the experiences of employees going through the menopause transition in the financial services sector, compared to employees not going through the transition, and how employees experiencing the transition can be better supported. The Fawcett Society is the data controller for the research component.

1 Legal Basis

We will be processing any data you provide to us as part of the survey of employees, focus groups with employees, interviews with former employees and interviews with senior leaders on the basis of your consent only.

2 Your Rights

For any data you submit as part of this survey, you have the right to:

  • be informed about how we process your data: this privacy policy, as well as the privacy notice on the survey itself and questions 39 and 40 in the survey are means to this end;
  • withdraw your consent: we will as a result exclude all data you submitted to us as part of this survey from the research project.
  • access the data we hold about you: we will provide any data you submitted to us, and any personal data we derive about you from other aspects of this research project, within 30 days;
  • have incorrect or out of date data about you corrected: before completion of the project we will correct any personal data;
  • The right to have your personal data deleted upon request: if you withdraw your consent we will delete all personal data you provided to us in this survey (though we may use data that is already publicly available as part of this research);
  • lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office if you feel we have broken any of your rights (you can do so at;

We will halt processing of your personal data, whilst we are working to resolve any queries related to the above rights. This is your right to restrict processing of your personal data.

3 Who We Work With & How We Store Your Data

No personal data collected as part of the above component will be given to any other organisation, though the Fawcett Society does use designated data processors to carry out data processing on its behalf.

  1. To recruit focus group participants, the Fawcett Society will collect email addresses through Smart Survey. We will use your data to contact you if you are sampled to take part in a focus group. We will retain this personal data as part of our role in the project until the end of the project (29 October 2021). Survey respondents have the choice to provide the Fawcett Society with their email address for the purpose of focus group recruitment.
  2. For the prize draw for taking part in the employee survey, the Fawcett Society will collect email addresses through Smart Survey. We will use your data to contact you if you win the draw. We will retain this personal data as part of our role in the project until the end of the project (29 October 2021). Survey respondents have the choice to provide the Fawcett Society with their email address for the purpose of entering the prize draw.

We use Office 365, as well as a personal file server in combination with password protected files to store data associated with this project. Passwords for accessing the data will be strong and managed through a password manager.

Only individuals directly working on this project will have access to this data in unencrypted form.

We work with SmartSurvey to collect data for this research project SmartSurvey collects and stores data for us as supplied by participants to our surveys. They only store the data to fulfil their agreement with us as the account holder.

None of the data that is part of this project will be passed on to other 3rd parties.

No personal data will be shared.

4 Data Retention

We retain your personal data as long as is necessary to complete this specific research project. We will publish anonymous, aggregated results in the finished reports.

We will, once the project is completed, delete all original personal data.

5 Communications

We will only contact you either because you have given us explicit consent to do so, or because contacting you is necessary for the purposes of this survey or to safeguard your rights. If you are identified as being at risk of harm we reserve the right to breach confidentiality (e.g. providing emergency services with your email address). If this is necessary, we will notify you that a disclosure has been made and we will have to act on it.

6 Using Your Rights & Contacting Us

If you have any queries about this statement, or if you would like to discuss any of the personal data you have provided us with, please contact us by email at: [email protected]  

Alternatively you can write to us at:
Alternatively you can write to us at: Molly Mayer
The Fawcett Society
Unit 222, Southbank House,
Black Prince Road,
London SE1 7SJ