News News & press releases The Times reveals ‘sexist surchange’ 19 JANUARY 2016 Today’s front page of The Times reveals that there is a large discrepancy between what men and women are charged for everyday products on the hight street. The investigation found that products marketed at women were priced as much as double those at men – for example, ten disposable razors in Tesco were double the price just because they were pink (because women will only use pink razors, naturally). The Times have done an analysis of hundreds of items and the findings show a stark difference – across equivalent products with different prices, the products marketed at women were on average 37% more expensive. Fawcett’s CEO, Sam Smethers, said: ‘The Times investigation is really quite shocking. What we are seeing here is a sexist surcharge. Retailers are using gender stereotypes to charge women a premium simply for being women. Not only are women being boxed in by gender stereotypes but they are paying more for it. We need more gender neutral options and an end to these rip off practices.’ You can read the full story on The Times website today (subscribers only). Sign the petition to get Boots to review their pricing. Manage Cookie Preferences