23 JANUARY 2018

Download the Sex Discrimination Law Review Executive Summary here

Download the Sex Discrimination Law Review full report here

For more information, infographics or interviews contact Fresh communication:
Abby Richardson – [email protected] / 07876 378 733
Nathalie Golden – [email protected] / 07769 66 66 27

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A ground-breaking report released today by the Fawcett Society concludes that our legal system is failing women and needs fundamental reform. The report, which is the conclusion of the Fawcett Society’s Sex Discrimination Law Review (SDLR) Panel, also found that violence against women and girls is ‘endemic’ in the UK.

The SDLR Panel was made up of a team of legal experts and chaired by Dame Laura Cox, DBE, a retired High Court Justice. It was set up to review the UK’s sex discrimination laws in response to the risk that long-established rights could be eroded or weakened as a result of Brexit and leaving the EU single market. It also considered the effectiveness of current laws and how best to balance the rights of the individual with the responsibilities of the organisation.

The report, which is the first of its kind, calls for a number of specific changes to the legal system. These include strengthening the laws on sexual harassment at work to protect women from harassment by third parties, making ‘up-skirting’ an offence, making misogyny a hate crime, making any breach of a domestic abuse order a criminal offence and extending protection from pregnancy discrimination to 6 months after maternity leave ends.

Sam Smethers, Chief Executive of the Fawcett Society said:

“What we see is a deeply misogynistic culture where harassment and abuse are endemic and normalised coupled with a legal system that lets women down because in many cases it doesn’t provide access to justice.”

Dame Laura Cox, Chair of the Review Panel added:

“The evidence we received, of increasing levels of violence, abuse and harassment against women, was deeply disturbing. A lack of access to justice for such women has wide-ranging implications not only for the women themselves, but also for society as a whole and for public confidence in our justice system.”

Key findings - violence & harassment

Key recommendations

Harassment at work:

• Strengthen the law on sexual harassment at work – protect women from harassment from ‘third parties’ who may be customers, service users or contractors
• Place more responsibility onto the employer to be proactive – introduce a new duty on large organisations to prevent discrimination and harassment in their workplaces

Domestic violence:

• Extend the definition of coercive control to include after a couple have separated
• Make any breach of a domestic abuse order a criminal offence

Sexual offences

• Review the law on the admissibility of previous sexual history evidence

Online technology and street harassment

• Remove the automatic ‘on line geo-location’ setting which puts women at risk
• Make ‘up-skirting’ an offence
• Make misogyny a hate crime
• Change the definition of ‘revenge porn’; the current requirement to prove ‘an intention to cause distress’ when private sexual photographs have been disclosed is inadequate

Turning to employment Dame Laura Cox, Chair of the Review Panel said:

“There has been much progress for women at work since the arrival of the Sex Discrimination Act in 1975. But, in some areas, undue legal complexity and delay have hampered that progress. Over time the rate of change has been far too slow, or has stalled, or has even gone into reverse. There is therefore a powerful case for change, to ensure that our sex equality laws are fulfilling their purpose, that employers do more to prevent sex discrimination in the first place, and that working women have access to justice to enforce their rights where they need to.”

Sam Smethers added:

“The vast majority of pay discrimination claims settle before they get to the Tribunal. When they do go to the Tribunal pay discrimination claims can drag on for many years. Women have literally died waiting. This is fundamentally wrong and why we need to apply a time limit to these cases.”

“We must also strengthen the law to protect women from harassment from third parties, whether it be a contractor, a customer or service user.

“But the time has now come for a greater responsibility and accountability to be placed onto organisations to prevent harassment and discrimination in the first place. If we believe that gender equality is good for business, then we must also believe that discrimination and harassment are bad for business. The chances are this will be happening to some extent in most workplaces so let’s move towards proactive action and require employers to do something about it.”

Key findings - employment, pay, leave and access to justice

• Progress on closing the pay gap has stalled, a lack of transparency prevents women from challenging unequal pay and legal cases can take many years to resolve
54,000 pregnant women and working mothers are pressured to leave their job early each year but just 1% of cases go to tribunal. Women are not protected after they return to work from maternity leave
• Statutory maternity and paternity pay is amongst the lowest in Europe
• Shared Parental Leave is not enough to enable many fathers to take time off work to care
• If someone is discriminated against because of more than one aspect of their identity they are not protected by the law
• The number of legal centres around the country has halved in ten years

Key recommendations

Employment, pay and leave

• Introduce an indicative timetable to keep all Equal pay cases on track and stop unacceptable delays
• Extend gender pay gap reporting to employers with 50 employees or more and include data on other protected characteristics such as race, disability and LGBT status (with due consideration to privacy)
• Extend protection from pregnancy discrimination to the 6 months after maternity leave ends and increase statutory pay rates
• Fundamentally reform the parental leave system to provide for a longer, higher paid period of leave for fathers.
• Legislate to address multiple discrimination, following the example of Canada or Germany

Northern Ireland

The Panel found that Sex Equality legislation in Northern Ireland is significantly behind the rest of the UK with no Single Equality Act in place, leaving them more directly reliant on EU law. Women’s access to abortion remains severely limited and they face life imprisonment if they break the law.

Sam Smethers added:

“Women in Northern Ireland have been badly let down by a political system which has sacrificed their fundamental rights. There should be no difference in basic legal protections and they should also have access to abortion on the same terms as women in the rest of the UK.”

Download the Sex Discrimination Law Review Executive Summary here

Download the Sex Discrimination Law Review full report here

For more information, infographics or interviews contact Fresh communication:

Abby Richardson – [email protected] / 07876 378 733
Nathalie Golden – [email protected] / 07769 66 66 27

About Us

The Fawcett Society is the UK’s leading charity campaigning for gender equality and women’s rights at work, at home and in public life. Our vision is a society in which the choices you can make and the control you have over your life are no longer determined by your gender.

The Sex Discrimination Law Review was funded through donations from members and other individuals. The Final report publication and launch is kindly supported by: Action4Equality Scotland, Cloisters, Farore Law and Slater & Gordon.

The Sex Discrimination Law Review Panel Members are:

Dame Laura Cox DBE, Chair
Gay Moon, Lead and co-ordinator
Sam Smethers, Fawcett Society
Iman Atta, Tell MAMA
Anna Beale, Cloisters
Rachel Crasnow QC, Cloisters
Matthew Creagh, TUC
Sarah Jackson, Working Families
Rachel Krys, EVAW
Sarah Lowe, EHRC
Prof Aileen McColgan, KCL
Karon Monaghan QC, Matrix Law
Prof Colm O’Cinneide, UCL
Catherine Rayner, Chair of the Discrimination Law Association
Muriel Robison, Glasgow University, formerly EOC and EHRC
Liz Shannon, Equality and Diversity Forum
Daphne Romney QC, Cloisters
Louise Whitfield, Deighton Piece Glynn Law
Katie Woods, Maternity Action

Read more about our Sex Discrimination Law Review, and how you can take action today support it here.

The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and wider society. It brings together nine main pieces of legislation, including the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations Act 1976. 

While some of the legislation has been improved over time, there are significant provisions that have never been commenced. Read more about some of the gaps in equality law we're fighting for here.

If you believe in creating a more progressive agenda for Britain, take a stand with us.  Join us today.