

  • Fawcett Responds to the King's Speech 2024

    Fawcett is proud that two of our long-standing campaigns have today become Bills, with the potential to make a real difference to women’s lives in the UK. We’re excited to work with the Government to make sure they have a real and lasting impact. Read more

  • Women in Winnable Seats this General Election

    Discover how the 2024 general election could lead to the most gender-equal Parliament ever, with women comprising 40% of candidates in winnable seats. Learn about the ongoing challenges and necessary actions for continued progress towards gender parity in UK politics. Read more


  • Fawcett and Wilde Vs The Sun: 1 year on

    Join Fawcett Society and WILDE Foundation at our in person event marking 1 year since our historic IPSO win. Seeking to stamp out misogyny in journalism, government and all areas of public life. Read more