Making Britain a fairer place

The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and wider society. It brings together nine main pieces of legislation, including the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations Act 1976. 

While some of the legislation has been improved over time, there are significant provisions that have never been commenced. Through our Sex Discrimination Law Review, we are looking not just to defend women's rights during Brexit negotiations, but to create a more progressive agenda for Britain generations down the line. 

Here are some of the gaps in equality law we're fighting for.

Section 106 of The Equality Act

Section 106 of the Equality Act requires political parties to report the diversity of their candidates. At the moment, this hasn't been commenced. There is no collection of data, and no monitoring of party representation at all in terms of disability, ethnicity, gender, etc. That means we can't have an informed discussion about the number of disabled candidates or black women, for example, put forward in an election, making it very difficult to hold parties to account for their attitudes towards diversity. We must see this enacted.

Section 14 of The Equality Act

Section 14 is about multiple discrimination. We live in an increasingly and consciously intersectional world, and the language of intersectionality must become second nature to all of us. Identity isn't two-dimensional, but our current legislation responds to us in that way. You can bring a discrimination claim on the grounds of only one aspect of your identity. This is hugely problematic for individuals such as Muslim women or disabled Black women, who can't claim discrimination on multiple identity grounds. This is a gross absence in our legal framework that must be addressed.

Access to justice

There is no point in having legislation that individuals are unable to access and challenge. It is currently very difficult for some people to access the rights they are entitled to. For example, pregnant women who've been discriminated against have just three months to bring a claim, and must pay £1200. This is an extremely stressful situation which could be damaging to the health of both baby and mother. Access to justice is fundamental to everyone; we have to redress it.


We have launched a Sex Discrimination Law Review, bringing together an incredible panel of experts to defend current legislative protections for women and equality. Read more about our Law Review here.

Our #FaceHerFuture campaign is all about charting a course for the future, and setting a progressive agenda for post-Brexit Britain. Find out how you can get involved here.

It is now more crucial than ever to support organisations like The Fawcett Society, which are challenging some of the biggest injustices and inequalities in our society. Get behind us today by joining as a member.